A long marriage is two people trying to dance a
duet and two solos at the same time.

-Anne Taylor

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just one of those days...

Ever have one of those days where you feel at any second you might just lose it and punch someone or something in the face but you realize you cant because then you would probably be fired from your job and then all those bills that are piling up wouldnt get paid and then you would start to cry and then realize you cant stop crying because once the flood gates opened they wouldnt shut and then all your clothes would be ruined because of the big mess running off your face so you decide to drown your sorrows in tub after tub of ice cream and box after box of french fries and then not only are your clothes ruined but they dont fit anymore and you cant get a new job because you are a big crying mess with clothes that dont fit and ice cream in your hair and french fry grease on your hands and have a history of violence in the office??

Yeah, me too.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happiness 101

I found this cute little mini survey over at Grey Umbrella and I just couldnt pass it up.  Typically, someone is supposed to give this blogging award to you, but since I am new to the blogging world and only have six followers (two of which are my husband and myself), I thought I would go ahead and give this award to myself.  So, here you go Erin.  {GASP!}Why thank you Erin!

Here is how this works:
1. List 10 things that make you happy.
2. Tag 10 bloggers you cant live without.
3. Thank the person who gave you this prestigous award.

Ten things that make me happy (in no particular order):
  1. Biggby coffee with caramel and half and half.
  2. My family
  3. My cats (shut up Erica)
  4. Girls nights....with all the laughs, wine, SOS's, stories, etc.
  5. My husband...especially when he meows like a cat, really loudly...makes me laugh every time.
  6. Getting into a craft zone where I dont even notice my hunched over back, multiple hot glue burns and spray painted fingernails.
  7. Hobby Lobby....its like Disney World
  8. Ric Hirsch....forever.
  9. Feeling the sun sizzle on your skin when you get out of a pool/lake
  10. Having a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my belly.
Ok, I guess that was 12 things....sue me.

 Now onto my ten new best friends...that just dont know we are best friends yet...but I know it, oh yes I do! (Again, in no particular order)
  1. Living with Lindsay
  2. shanty2chic
  3. A Soft Place to Land
  4. Livin' the Simple Life
  5. Thrifty Decor Chick
  6. The Crafter's File Box
  7. Little Birdie Secrets
  8. Moody Girl Projects
  9. Copy Cat Creations
  10. aurajoon
So there you have it...my lists of 10.  I just want to thank you again Erin for giving me this award....I couldnt have done it without you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Custom Frames

With Christmas over, packed up, and put away...my house is feeling very empty with very empty walls.  One wall in particular really bugs the heck out of me.  For a good month it was disguised by a Christmas tree but now the Christmas tree is gone and the empty wall is back to bugging the heck out of me.  Its right next to our TV in the living room so I find myself staring...resenting...cursing...instead of enjoying whatever TV show is on at the moment.  Enough is enough.  Bugging the heck out of me is one thing but taking away from my beloved TV enjoyment is crossing the line!!  So Ive decided I would like to do one of those "each frame is a little different but still looks cohesive" collages (yes, that IS their technical name) using our wedding pictures.  I have yet to have prints made of our wedding pictures....158 days later.  No time like the present!  Here is my inspiration from Pottery Barn:

I love the arrangement, the style, the cohesiveness...love it all.  However Pottery Barn is a litttttttttle out of my price range, so Im sure I will do something similar, but thrifty.  I would really like to have one special, stand out, focal frame but mass produced wedding frames always seem a little...cheesey to me.  Enter The Studio by Danielson Designs.  This website allows you to create your own personalized frames and signs.  You can use their inspirations or come up with your own.  How great would these be for wedding gifts, baby shower gifts, housewarming gifts, etc.??  I love them.  Right now you can receive 20% off by using promo code NEST2010!!  Also, over at Nesting Place, you can enter to win one of two gift cards for Danielson Designs.  I designed two different frames that Im trying to decide between:

Im leaning more towards the first one I think, but not positive.  What do you think??

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holy bathroom!!

Can I just say that I LOVE this?!?  I want my husband to build a random wall in our house just so I can re-create this:

Jenn over at Livin' the Simple Life is a genius.  Her tutorial on texturizing your walls is really great...not to mention sounds pretty easy!  And her guest bathroom redo inspired my very own guest bathroom revamp a few weeks ago.  Love her!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Waah...somebody has a case of the bum-days...

J.R. and I are bumming today...we sent some very good friends home on a plane this morning after nearly a week of visiting.  Its going to be sad going home and not having them there.  I already miss Chris and J.R.'s jokes, Aubrey's support when it feels like I might suffocate from all the sports talk and watching , and baby Sophia's sweet coo's and smiles.  Coming off a year where I felt let down by too many people too many times, it was so nice to have these genuinely great people around for a week.  I mean, how could you NOT miss this sweet little face?? 

Siiiigh, come back soon Sweetin/Ross family...there is a little family on Dunreath Street who misses you dearly.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello 2010...

Whoa...I don't know about most of you out there but for me, 2009 was a whirlwind experience. In the course of a year, I planned a wedding, got married, bought a house, changed my name and turned a quarter of a century. I learned to cook (err am still learning to cook) more than just grilled cheese and pancakes. I rediscovered my love for all things crafty. I changed my hair color (more than once). I grew, I learned and I lived. But aside from our wedding pictures and a few other pictures that were taken through the year, were any of these life changing moments documented? I mean, 2009 was a BIG year...a life changing year. Why didn't I ever think to keep a journal of all the exciting things that happened? I'm not one to regret many things, but I do wish I had kept better track of 2009. So here is where this blog comes into play. All you existing bloggers out there have inspired me to join your world. I plan to write about all the new experiences that come with being a newlywed, a first time home owner, and a 25 year old gal in general. I'm not going to limit this blog to be about just one thing...anything I find noteworthy will be included. This may be helpful to some of you; it may be nonsense to some of you. But it will also be a great way for me to document all my thoughts, ideas, accomplishments, projects and findings without having to rack my busy body brain. So, although 2009 is now nothing but memories, 2010 will be a journal of my life and everything that comes with it. Welcome to Dunreath Street.